Icons and Shortcuts
Icons and Shortcuts
This section gives an overview of the icons used in WebApproval.
Actions panel
Quick Approve
Approves the current, single page or spread without displaying a confirmation window, and takes you to the next page in the document that is awaiting approval.
Displays a confirmation window where you can confirm or cancel the approval of the left or right page or the spread.
Displays a confirmation window where you can confirm or cancel the rejection of the current page or spread. You must add a reason in the comment field when rejecting.
Go to Next to Approve
If the current page has been approved or rejected, takes you to the next page in the document that is awaiting approval.
Cogwheel menu
Page status
Empty page
Ready to Inspect.
Approved page
Rejected page
Page has preflight issues
Page thumbnail status
Empty page
Page is being processed
Ready to Inspect. (blue border)
Approved page (green border)
Rejected page (red border)
The page has been rejected in another version but has no version-specific content (solid grey diagonal line and grey border)
The page has been rejected in another version but has version-specific content (dashed grey diagonal line and blue border)
Patches along the left edge indicate spot colors are used on this particular page; CMYK is also shown if not all four process colors are used; select Show Page Info to see these patches.
Job Icons
Alert: Job is approaching the deadline or it is overdue.
Alert: Job includes rejected pages.
Job has preflight issues
Opens the Job Information panel.
Upload: Opens the Files window.
Files Window
The uploaded file has preflight issues; click to open the preflight report
Click to open a detailed preflight report in PDF format (Printer Company users only)
Printer Company Roles
These icons identify the different Printer Company user roles in the User window.
Printer Company Administrator
Customer Service Representative (CSR)
Print Buyer Roles
These icons identify the different Print Buyer user roles in the User window.
Print Buyer Administrator
User Icons
These icons identify the different kinds of users in the Users list.
Printer Company Administrator
Printer Company CSR (Customer Service Representative)
Print Buyer user with Administrator role
Print Buyer user with Uploader or Approver role, or both
Shortcuts – Jobs Window
Open the information pane
Close the information panel
Shortcuts – Flipbook and Zoom View
right arrow
Go to next page
left arrow
Go to previous page
(Number pad)
Zoom in one level
Repeat to zoom in several levels
Open Zoom view from the Flipbook
(Number pad)
Zoom out one level
Repeat to zoom out several levels
Return to Flipbook when at lowest zoom level
(Number pad)
Show/hide bleed zones, page box and trim box