Managing Users and Companies : Company Settings
Company Settings
Company Info
Company Name
The actual name of the company (mandatory).
E-mail, Address, Phone, Mobile
Optional details about the company.
A free-text field for adding extra information about the company.
User Role presets (for Print Buyer companies only)
Use the two tables to assign CSRs to the Print Buyer company, or Uploader and Approval roles to the Print Buyer users. These are the role presets for all jobs created for the Print Buyer company. Roles can be changed on a job-by-job basis.
Print Company CSRs
Printer Company Administrator only 
This table lists all the administrators and CSRs in the Printer Company. Select the check box next to a name to grant this person the CSR role for the Print Buyer company you are editing.
Print Buyer Company Users
This table lists all the users in the Print Buyer company and their current roles. Select or clear the check boxes next to a name to change the roles. These changes are reflected in the User Settings.