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WebApproval: Preflight vs. Apogee Preflight
At A Glance

The new Apogee Preflight TP may be used to generate reports or apply actions within the Prepress environment. You may continue to use the Enfocus Preflight task as well.

Applies To:


How It Works

When you define an approval account, you choose whether to export preflight reports to the customer. Reports will be generated by the preflight task you include in the plan. If you use both preflight tasks in the plan and have configured both to use a profile, you can end up with two reports.

You may also use the new Apogee Preflight actions in your WebApproval jobs. Most actions fix an issue instead of just generating a warning.

Only one preflight report is generated per document in the Prepress environment. In either :Portal interface, a preflight icon will post for every page of that document whether it has an error or not.

When a report contains an error (as opposed to a warning), the local prepress operator must clear it before the report will post to :Portal.

For additional information on the new Apogee Preflight task processor, please see New Features: Apogee Preflight.

Why Is This Important?
You may choose either or both preflighting tasks when creating jobs. If you have a lot of custom profiles and actions, you'll likely stay with Enfocus Preflight. If you want on the fly fixes, like transparency flattening or color conversions, give the new Apogee Preflight a try.