:Apogee Portal WebApproval
The interactive portal for uploading and approving pages.
:Apogee Portal WebApproval lets you retrieve files and proofs from your customers in an organized fashion by adding a webportal for file-upload and approval.
Basic operation of how it works:
- The prepress operator creates the job in the :Apogee Prepress.
- The job is submitted via :Apogee WebApproval.
- Your customers are invited to upload their files in an organized way via :Apogee WebApproval. Or they can upload files to a standard FTP from which they can be manually dropped into :Apogee Prepress.
- Incoming files are automatically processed by :Apogee Prepress. The results are fed back into :Apogee.
- The customer is invited to review the results.
- Files are marked ready for production on the :Apogee Prepress server if approved.
- The prepress operator is informed if your customer rejects and/or adds remarks.
The following video will explain and show you how to utilize :Apogee Portal WebApproval with :Apogee Prepress.
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