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APOGEE > PlateMaker Advanced Tutorial

PlateMaker Advanced Tutorial

About this advanced tutorial

This Advanced Tutorial explains how to create and approve PlateMaker jobs on an Agfa Apogee Prepress Sender system, then view and print the job results on the PlateMaker system (the Receiver system).

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Tutorial Objectives

This Advanced Tutorial is divided into a series of 4 lessons. In these lessons, you will learn how to:

  • Create a PlateMaker job in :APOGEE Prepress, then view the job results from the :APOGEE Prepress client on both the Sender and Receiver systems.
    Finally, you will view the job results from the PlateMaker client (on the PlateMaker system).
  • Use the PlateMaker client to send the job you created in Lesson 1 to the print queue. You will then follow how the job is printed using the Device Monitor.
  • Create a multi-part job for PlateMaker in :APOGEE Prepress, and then print the job from the PlateMaker client.
  • Use the Device Monitor to put tasks on hold, resume tasks and re-order queued tasks.

Who Should Follow this Tutorial

This tutorial has been prepared for Administrators and Operators who want to learn about PlateMaker in Agfa Apogee Prepress by performing step-by-step procedures.


You will need approximately 2 hours to complete the lessons in this Advanced Tutorial.

  • Advanced Tutorial Objectives
  • Before You Begin
  • Arranging Windows to Monitor Jobs in Progress
  • Contact Us
  • Lesson 1: Creating a Job for PlateMaker
  • Lesson 2: Printing a Job from the PlateMaker Client
  • Lesson 3: Printing a Multi-part Job from the PlateMaker Client
  • Lesson 4: Working with the Device Monitor


Download the PlateMaker Advanced Tutorial sample file.
Download the PlateMaker Advanced Tutorial resource files.
Contact your local Agfa sales or service representative to purchase the full version of this advanced tutorial or send us an email.