APOGEE Network
APOGEE > Fail If Error On PDF Specification v7.0.1

Fail If Error On PDF Specification v7.0.1

Resource Type:

Apogee Preflight Action List

Applies To:

Agfa Apogee Prepress 7.0 and higher
Agfa Apogee Preflight Icon

What it does:

The Apogee Prepress action ap_Fail IfErrorOnPDFSpecification v7.0.1 combines several actions which validate the content of the PDF. It will report problems in a PDF file which will result in Normalizer, Preflight or PDFRender errors.
This action list only generate errors but will not fix anything.

Click here to download the preflight resource.

Additional information for Prepress experts:
The performed checks are:
  1. Check the embedded icc profiles for correctness
  2. Check the images for problems
    • incorrect size
  3. Check the fonts for problems
    The following issues can be detected:
    • glyph's outline is crossed
    • glyph's outline has invalid direction
    • charstring includes invalid Hit-operator
    • charProc doesn't include D0-D1-operator
    • private Dict is empty
    • font matrix is not normalized
    • private Dict keys are not normalized
    • symbol 'Space' is omitted
    • symbol '.notdef' is omitted
    • eexec part is HEX encoded
    • charstrings includes Hint-operators which aren't situated at the beginning of charstring
    • duplicated CIDs are included
    • CID is out of range (CIDCount)
    • there are known problems with the font with the given name and version
    • font descriptor contains symbolic and non-symbolic flags enabled at the same time
    • font descriptor contains symbolic flag enabled whereas the font seems to be non-symbolic
  4. Check the PDF syntax
    • an invalid imagemask (with invalid parameters) will be fixed (invalid parameters removed)
    • wrong endstreamendobj
    • an undefined resource which is used on the page
    • insufficient arguments in the setcolor operation (f.e. 0 0 rg)