New Colorbooks
Enhancement: Color Books
At A Glance
Some of the older Pantone Color Books are no longer included in the Prepress DVD but they can still be imported from older DVDs.
Applies To:
Automate, Manage, Control, Render, Proof, PDF & Proof
How It Works
The Color Books are now using a different internal format than before and are now much smaller. The older books are used less and less but if you need them, you can still use them by following these steps:
1. Insert the Apogee Prepress 5.0 or older DVD into a DVD Drive.
2. Go to System Overview and select the Press or Generic Press icon.
3. Double-click the Color Books resource.
4. Click on the Browse button (Folder Icon) to find the Color Books that you want, the path should be as follows:
D:\Resources\Color Books
5. Select the Color Books that you want, hit Open. The newly selected books show up in the system's list.
6. Remember to update your parameter sets to utilize the newly installed Color Books.
What Color Books are Included
- Apogee Prepress 6.0
- Pantone 2000 Coated-Uncoated-Matte
- Pantone 2005 Coated-Uncoated-Matte
- Pantone CV
- Pantone Goe Coated-Uncoated
- Pantone Pastel Coated-Uncoated
- Apogee Prepress 5.0
- Pantone 2000 Coated-Uncoated-Matte
- Pantone 2005 Coated-Uncoated-Matte
- Pantone CV
- Pantone Goe Coated No Uncoated
- No Pastel Books
- Pantone Coated-Process-ProSim
- Pantone Uncoated-Process-ProSim
- Pantone Matte-Process-ProSim
- Pantone DoublePrinted
Why is this Important?
The new Color Books in combination with PDFRender 2.0 will be more consistent with the Adobe Creative Suite Applications (Acrobat, PhotoShop, InDesign, Illustrator). The printed output will look more like the screen preview of illustrations viewed in Adobe applications.All the older books are still available if you need them, for older jobs that were archived or for some specific needs.