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APOGEE > Output Device Variable

Output Device Variable

Enhancement: DeviceMark
At A Glance

Prepress 6 has added a devicemark that will label the output with the actual engine it was imaged on.

Applies To:

Automate, Manage, Control, Render, PlateMaker

How It Works

When you use the DeviceMark.pdf within a border, it will print the engine name on the output. To use a devicemark, you need to create or edit a border.
1. In the System Overview window, select your output device. Open the Borders resource.
2. Either create a new border or edit an existing one.
3. In the Border window, make sure you select File Mark for the Mark Type, then select DeviceMark.pdf.
4. Choose your border in the Imaging section of your output device parameter set.

When the job is output, your device name will appear on the paper or plate.

You must include either a TIFFRender or PDFRender in the flow for the device mark to resolve on output. Also, the device mark does not appear when ganging.

Why is this Important?
If you load balance your engines or proofers, the DeviceMark lets you know to which device the job is output. If you need to replace a plate or print a duplicate proof, you can send it to a specific device. This removes the potential for slight differences between devices on plate or proof remakes.