APOGEE Network
APOGEE > App6.0.0_HF_ALL_51715_Essential_Fixes_8

Filename App6.0.0_HF_ALL_51715_Essential_Fixes_8.zip
Type Hotfix
Revision Apogee Prepress - Apogee Prepress 6.0 (FC1)
Software ID 51715
Size 132146489 bytes
Date Published 13-JAN-2011

Date of Issue: June 24th, 2010
Copyright Agfa Graphics N.V. 2010

APR-47923: PSProofer: option 'create single file per side' was not working.
APR-48095: Epson: occasionlly the proof contains only the rule-up colors and no images
APR-48583: PDFRender: colors with tints less than 50% occasionally show a yellowish background
APR-49240: JDFServer: SPICE: Spice needs a slightly adjusted JDF-syntax for multipart jobs
APR-49354: JobStoreServer: a job towards printdrive with the 'create master template' enabled,
		cannot be archived.
APR-49915: Press: the option to create a CIP3 file per signature was not working.
APR-50288: Normalizer: under heavy load, occasionally uploaded pages from Portal get lost.
APR-50320: JDFServer: Variables JDF_SHEET etc. are not resolved for jobs with more than 512 pages. (partial fix)
APR-50375: Apogee DQS: occasionally pages on proof are shifted a few mm.
APR-50390: Apogee Preflight: RGB colors are distorted by several Apogee Preflight actions
APR-50409: Proofing: certified proofing on an Epson x900 gives a reddish/brownish cast.
APR-50461: JDFServer: Overlapping production set ranges error if only one part has proofing
APR-50542: ImpositionService: slug lines could not be used in a border anymore
APR-50573: Platemaker: Multipart where the collate is bigger than the multipart will not send all
		flats to Platemaker
APR-50615: LicenseService: after changing the network card, you cannot load the old
		fingerprint file (which is needed to handle the network card change).
APR-50644: Export: $DOCUMENTPATH is not resolved in the pathname.
APR-50654: DigitalFilmProof: PageBox error if more than 1 rule-up color was enabled in the DFP flow.
APR-50660: JobStoreServer: DFP proofer flow with rule-ups enabled; discard action before DFP;
		when the separations for the pages are continued, the rule-up separations are
		not continued and the flow never finishes.
APR-50767: PageMaster WebApproval: PreviewService crashes for gray+spot jobs 
APR-50768: PlateMaker: JDFServer: Versioning jobs: updating the content with a new revision
		does not always create a new revision on PlateMaker
APR-50809: XCalibur: Platemaker: remake a plate occasionally hangs the engine.
APR-50830: JobStoreServer: multipart job with imposition undefined; if the pages flow
	does not contain multipart settings, the pages do not continue until the imposition is set.
APR-50849: DFP: occasionally DFP goes in an eternal loop (happens when rounding sizes
		when doing page adjustments)
APR-50860: PageMaster: WebApproval: job with automatic run list positioning: documents
	not always retrieved from Portal; you got a notification to retry; now we automatically
	retry three times
APR-50927: JobStoreServer: for WebApproval jobs, in combination with automatic page 
	placement in the runlist, and with a discard action on the page approval flow:
	a reprocess from first occasionally switches pages to different positions in the run list
APR-50965: LoggingServer: TP's with a '/' in the display name (like Avalon N/4) are not
	able to log anything.
APR-51030: LogginServer: when a lot of jobs are processed, LogginServer uses too much
		memory during the nightly cleanup.
APR-51051: DigitalFilmProof: Not the right colors / rule-ups on split for proof sheets
APR-51076: PDFRender: ProjectManager integration: Emulate Overprint behaviour is different
	for pages compared to flats, resulting in different output between the page proofs
	(streamproof) and the output on plate.
APR-51123: Press: Webgrowth: depending on the orientation, the endianess is wrong and you can
		get bit-flipped output on plate.
APR-51130: RasterNormalizer: crash when processing a printdrive archive and no keep result on
		the raster normalizer.
APR-51150: PDFRender: KBA barcode does not give the correct result in a non-versioning job.
APR-51179: PDFRender: setting K=95% takes too much time to calculate ink saving for a specific profile.
APR-51209: Open Connect: Multipart job with Open Connect input and different processing gives an error.
APR-51234: JobStoreServer: some (corrupted) 5.0 archives no longer allow to generate a CIP3 file
		after archive import in 6.0
APR-51298: PDFRender: emulate overprint gives a trapping parsing error in PDFRender.
APR-51341: PDFRender: import 4.0 archive; re-rendering gives access violations.
APR-51369: DigitalFilmProof TP: issue with alignment of square pages.
APR-51375: Output TP: in DQS mode, occasionally a page is missing (caused by wrong rounding)
		(this was introduced by the first for for APR-50849)
APR-51447: DigitalFilmProof: Spot colors containing a special character in the name (e.g. '*') are not processed
APR-51515: JDFServer: occasionally using 100% CPU due to parsing failure on specific JDF.
APR-51555: PDFRender: every file with a spot color gets emulated with the transparent job config setting enabled
APR-51701: JobStoreServer: Split4Proof flow & DQS: after editing of the job, there are a few
		cases where the rule-ups are removed and there is no way to get them back on the proof.
APR-51731: Platemaker: if the sending job branches after run list towards an Export TP,
		there is never a job created on the receiving system.

APO-9210: PageMaster WebApproval: if a resource no longer exists, we need to inform PageMaster
		to stop retrying

The hotfix should be installed on all Apogee Prepress systems.
The hotfix provides fixes for JobStoreServer, JDFServer, PDFRender, TiffRender, Preflight,...

1. Stop any Delano Creation or Prepress Subsystems before installing ApogeeX hotfixes
2. Drop this hotfix (in compressed format) in the Available Updates pane of the SUM application.
3. Select Include and click install update.

1. Stop any Delano Creation or Prepress Subsystems before uninstalling ApogeeX hotfixes
2. Select Uninstall hotfixes only from the Installed Updates pane of the SUM application.

- Uninstalling any hotfix will reset your ApogeeX System to the last installed service pack version (without hotfixes installed). ALL installed hotfixes will be uninstalled.


To verify if this hotfix is installed, open the Basic or Extended report.