APOGEE Network
APOGEE > Archive Location

Did You Know?

Did you know you can change the archive location used by :Apogee Prepress?

It is common practice to archive jobs when they are completed/finished. You can manually archive a job, or have :Apogee Prepress automatically archive a job when certain conditions are met. These archives can be imported later, for example to produce a remake of the job.

Job archives can be large files and can consume large amounts of drive space. By default :Apogee Prepress creates a folder where the archive files are stored, normally on a local drive. However, this location can be changed at any time, for instance if you need more space to store the archives. The archive location can be set to any volume in which :Apogee Prepress has permissions to use (read/write access). This can be an external hard drive, or another server on the network for example.

In order to change the archive location, first create a shared volume on the desired location. Be sure to enable the permissions to have read/write access. Next, in :Apogee Prepress go to the System Overview and select the system icon at the top, and then double click the Job Housekeeping at the bottom.
Note: You must be logged on with at least Administrator access level.

In the Job Housekeeping window you will see the location where the archives are stored by default. You can change this location by filling in a new path, or browsing to a new location. When done click the OK button.
(Be sure to keep the variables $ORDER and $JOB as shown)

Job Housekeeping Window