APOGEE Network
APOGEE > Generating a Web Growth Test Pages

Web Growth Test Pages

At A Glance:

The Agfa Apogee Prepress Client now offers the possibility to run a test page for WebGrowth.
NOTE: This feature is only available for PC clients.

Applies To:

Prepress Control, Manage, and Integrate

How It Works:

Select the Generic Press task processor in the system overview window. (A)
On the bottom of your screen you will see all the resources that are available for the Generice Press task processor. (B)

Generic Press task processor in System Overview window
A - Generic Press TP

Generic Press task processor Resources
B - Resources for the Generic Press TP

Note: If you don't see any resources it means that the access level of your client is set to 'operator'. This needs to be changed to 'administrator'. This change is password protected.

Double click the 'Webgrowth Profiles' icon in the resources of the Generic Press. This will open the 'Webgrowth profiles' window. In this window click the 'Test…' button.

Webgrowth Profiles window

In the 'Web Growth Test Page' window, select the press for which you need to create a test page. Select the output device you'll use to plate the test. Select the correct plate size and the appropriate Image and Output parameter values.

Web Growth Test Page Settings

:Apogee will create a new job once you click 'Print' and the job will be automatically deleted when the job is finished.

Why is this Important?

With previous version of Agfa Apogee Prepress the operator had to build a specific job or hot ticket to create a test page from which to measure web growth. These steps are eliminated with :Apogee Prepress 7.