Did You Know?
:Apogee Prepress Configuration Manager
Did you know :Apogee Prepress can export/import all of your system resources?
Much time and effort is taken to set up and configure your Agfa Apogee Prepress system. Whether during the initial installation and training sessions, or during normal everyday use, many resources are created and saved within :Apogee Prepress. Resources include parameter sets, job ticket templates, calibration curves, imposition resources and much more.
These resources are regularly available to the system. However, there are circumstances which could cause the resources to become unusable or missing. This could be a result of system corruption, disk failure, accidental deletion of resources, etc.
If this should happen, there is no need to recreate the resources again, thus risking unwanted changes. There is a tool available to backup all of the resources to a desired location. The backups can then be used to restore any missing information. This tool is called the Configuration Manager. It can export all of the system resources, as well as import any previous settings.
It s a good idea to run the Configuration Manager to export all of the system resources after they have been created. It should also be run on a regular basis, perhaps weekly, to ensure current backups. This will allow any resources to be imported back to the system if needed.
Contact your local Agfa sales or service representative for more information on the Configuration Manager, including how to schedule automatic backups.