APOGEE Network

PDF Render

Technology Update: PDFRender 5.0
At A Glance

PDFRender 5.0 introduces several enhancements to Adobe's rendering technology (Adobe PDF Print Engine). This update brings more stability, speed and functionality to your workflow by layering customized Agfa technology over the core Adobe code set.

Applies To:

Apogee Render, Apogee Control, Apogee Manage, Apogee Integrate, Apogee Proof, Apogee PDF & Proof

How It Works

There are several changes, some you'll see, some you won't. The basic functionality remains the same. The PDFRenderer traps, separates, renders and screens your jobs. Your existing parameter sets will work as is. What you'll notice first is speed. Depending on the type of job, you'll see your rendering times DECREASE, sometimes a little, sometimes a lot.

PDF Render Icon

For detailed information on the functional changes and new workflow possibilities with PDFRender 5.0, please go to the PDFRender section of this program.

The major improvements can also be found in the ADOBE PDF Print Engine page.


Why is this Important?

Speed, new color exporting possibilities, trapping enhancements, ... it's up to you to choose which PDFRender 5.0 features work best in your production environment.